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PAC Training Site Preparation

  • Must provide the volume of client experiences for learners to develop a safe beginning level of practice.
  • Should be assessed for:

    • physical structure to accommodate additional personnel and clients;
    • adherence to service delivery guidelines;
    • management and supervision systems that support clinical learning;
    • client satisfaction with services;
    • adequacy of client experiences;
    • adequacy of equipment, drugs, and supplies;
    • presence of other trainee groups competing for clinical experiences; and
    • presence of preceptors to extend the tutors’ capacity to provider clinical supervision of learners.

Mapping Exercise in KenyaZoom

Decisions will need to be made regarding the ability for the site to support training with modifications (physical space, staff practices that model the desired quality of performance, strategies to increase of client volume). Ongoing assessment of the appropriateness of the site for clinical opportunities might include trainee and client feedback. 

Training alone cannot guarantee optimal performance in the absence of supportive supervision, ongoing opportunities for staff development, functional management and logistic systems, and an adequate and reliable source of required equipment, supplies, and drugs. 

The majority of PAC training curricula reviewed aimed at developing provider skills at secondary and tertiary facilities and in private practice settings. Only one PAC training curriculum designed for use in both in-service as well as pre-service training of midwives was available for review (WHO). One JHPIEGO publication offers detailed, generic guidance for strengthening pre-service training which can be applied to PAC. 

Documents addressing the needs for training-site preparation were not specific to PAC but were generic for application to guide development of training sites and trainers (IntraHealth, JHPIEGO). 


As HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care, and support information evolves, this content area will need to be updated and incorporated into the PAC curriculum for counseling and referral to other reproductive and health services. 

Standard Days Method (SDM) will need to be added to the list of contraceptive options for postabortion contraception even though this method would not be initiated before the resumption of the woman’s menstrual cycle. Therefore, abstinence or consistent use of a barrier method should be recommended until SDM can be initiated.