Recommended PAC Community Mobilization Resources

A Guide to Action for Community Mobilization and Empowerment Focused on Postabortion Complications: Facilitator's Manual
The RESPOND Project/EngenderHealth
This training manual is based on the experiences in Kenya focused on community mobilization for postabortion care (PAC) activities that are being implemented and evaluated in the Nakuru District of Rift Valley Province.



PAC Community Mobilization 
Socios para el Desarrollo/Prosalud, adapted from Catalyst/Pathfinder 

The community PAC model mobilizes the community to recognize the danger signs of incomplete abortion and provides support to access PAC services. The intervention also helps the community to recognize gaps and shortfalls to accessing PAC services and encourages community members to formulate solutions to address these problems. 




Embracing Participation in Development: Worldwide Experience from CARE's Reproductive Health Programs

This document provides the most current up-to-date knowledge and direction on the various components of reproductive health, including: quality of care, counseling, client assessment, infection prevention, family planning, reproductive health/family planning for special groups, postabortion care, adolescent reproductive health, men reproductive health, STIs, HIV/AIDS, maternal and neonatal health, prevention and management of cervical and breast cancers, infertility and harmful RH practices. It also forms a solid foundation from which service providers at all health facility in both the public and private sectors, as well as non-governmental organizations, can launch comprehensive, high quality and standardized reproductive healthcare.


