Assessing PAC Communication Materials


  • Establish a working group to identify and create an inventory of existing client-provider materials related to PAC. The working group should include behavior change communication specialists, content experts such as physicians, nurses, and midwives, and graphic designers when possible.
  • Review existing materials and answer the questions below. For each “no” answer, consider adapting the existing material, using materials from the set provided in the PAC Global Resources Guide, or adapting the PAC Global Resources materials. (Adapting materials can be faster and less costly than developing new ones.)
  • Pretest adaptations with the intended audience and incorporate changes in the materials. Some materials may require extensive changes to ensure audience comprehension and acceptability. Others may be appropriate to use without any changes. The intended audiences will best determine the level of changes required.

Download PAC Client-Provider Communication Materials Assessment Tool

Quality of Content

  • Is the technical information accurate, up-to-date, and evidence-based?

Quality of Messages

  • Is the material audience-specific?
  • Does it have a clear message?
  • Does it communicate a benefit important to the audience?
  • Does it have a call to action?
  • Is it free of bias and assumptions?
  • Has it been pretested with the intended audience?


  • Are ideas presented in logical order?
  • Is the reading level appropriate?
  • Is the language and word choice appropriate?
  • Are unfamiliar words or concepts defined?
  • Are sentences short?
  • Are abbreviations avoided?

Layout and Graphic Design

  • Does the material command attention?
  • Are illustrations used to emphasize, explain, or summarize?
  • Are illustrations realistic rather than abstract?
  • Is the font easy to read?
  • Is there ample "white space"? (White space is the area of the material that does not have text or graphics. The proper use of white space can make information easier to find.)