Recommended PAC Training Resources

Postabortion Care Curriculum 
USAID PAC Working Group 

This curriculum contains: a Reference Manual, a Participant's Guide, a Trainer's Guide and presentation graphics in PowerPoint format. 

Postabortion Care Curriculum: Reference Manual  [ENG]  [FRE]  [RUS]

Postabortion Care Curriculum: Participant's Guide  [ENG]  [FRE]  [RUS]

Postabortion Care Curriculum: Trainer's Guide  [ENG]  [FRE]  [RUS]

PowerPoint Presentations:

Introduction to PAC

Postabortion Care: Values and Attitudes

Emergency Treatment: Preparation and Client Assessment

Emergency Treatment: Uterine Evacuation Methods

Emergency Treatment: Pain Management

Emergency Treatment: Sharp Curettage

Emergency Treatment: Vacuum Aspiration

Emergency Treatment: Postabortion Complications and Management

Family Planning and Counseling and Provision

STI and HIV Service Provision

STI and HIV Service Provision; Optional Set

Infection Prevention

Enhancing Postabortion Care (PAC) Counseling Skills: An Interactive Learning Tool 

The interactive simulations in this DVD package aim to enhance or refresh the counseling skills of experienced PAC providers. 

Disc 1 Transcript

Disc 2 Transcript

Postabortion Care On-the-Job Training 
Ministry of Health, Nepal 
August 2006

This clinical training experience is designed to prepare competent PAC providers using an on-the-job (OJT) approach. Essential to this OJT course are four basic components:

  • Transfer and assessment of the essential knowledge related to PAC. This knowledge is found in the reference manual Postabortion Care: A Reference Manual for Improving Quality of Care and is reinforced by interaction with the trainer and through various practice exercises.
  • Transfer and assessment of counseling and clinical skills using role-plays and anatomic models. The skill demonstrations are provided by the trainer and the trainee will demonstrate that s/he can competently provide counseling, management of abortion complications including MVA, Postabortion counseling in family planning and referrals with other RH services through role plays and demonstrations using models.
  • Transfer and assessment of the above skills working with patients. The skill demonstrations on patients are first modeled by the trainer, and the trainee will then demonstrate that she or he can competently perform the skill.
  • Attitude transfer through behaviour modeling by the trainer and interaction with the patients.

Trainer's Guide

Trainee's Guide

Implementation Guideline of Structured On-the-Job Training for Postabortion Care in Nepal
Ministry of Health, Nepal 
July 2007

These guidelines were developed to help program managers and trainers plan and manage PAC on-the-job (OJT) training courses. The document serves to help establish OJT sites in health facilities and train service providers in PAC.

Postabortion Care: A Reference Manual for Improving Quality of Care 
Ministry of Health, Nepal 
December 2002

The purpose of this manual is to provide clinicians (physicians, nurses, and midwives) with essential information on the provision of comprehensive postabortion care services. It is intended to assist clinicians in treating incomplete abortion and its life-threatening complications. The manual outlines the full range of activities needed to provide appropriate, high-quality postabortion care, including family planning and referral to health care services needed after emergency treatment. The material in this manual is arranged sequentially according to the usual way in which patients are cared for—starting with the initial assessment of their condition and ending with the provision of follow-up care, including family planning and other reproductive health services. Moreover, it is provided in concise segments, for facilitating learning and recall. Finally, key points are repeated in several sections to emphasize their importance. 

Postabortion Care Clinical Skills Curriculum 
Ministry of Health, Tanzania 
July 2002

This training curriculum is based on the current 5-element construct for PAC which includes the traditional 3 elements plus community mobilization and expanded counseling. The curriculum is said to be adaptable for varied approaches to training (e.g., self-direct/individualized learning, OJT, or whole site training) though the main approach in its writing is for centralized, group training. 

Volume 1: Trainer's Guide

Volume 2: Trainee's Handbook

COPE Handbook: A Process for Improving Quality in Health Services 

The handbook is for facilitators as they orient managers, train site facilitators, guide facility staff in using the COPE tools, and adapt the COPE process and tools to best fit the facility's needs. The chapters are organized to take the reader from an introduction to the concepts of COPE and quality improvement to the basics of how to prepare and lead the first COPE exercises, facilitate an Action Plan Meeting, conduct subsequent exercises, perform a Client-Flow Analysis, and follow up between exercises. The handbook is designed to be used in conjunction with COPE toolbooks oriented toward a variety of types of health services.

COPE for Reproductive Health Services: A Toolbook to Accompany the COPE Handbook 

A supplement to the COPE Handbook: A Process for Improving Quality in Health Services. Provides updated versions of the self-assessment guides, the client interview guide, and other materials for a range of reproductive health services, including antenatal care, labor and delivery, postpartum and newborn care, postabortion care, family planning, reproductive tract infections (including sexually transmitted infections), HIV and AIDS, gynecological services, men's reproductive health services, sexuality, infertility, and prevention of harmful practices.

 PreService Implementation Guide: A Process for Strengthening Preservice Education 
September 2002

This guide describes the step-by-step process used to create a positive environment on the national level for strengthening medical, nursing, and preservice education, and the steps on the institutional level to improve the existing curriculum and its implementation. Adapted from the World Health Organization's 2001 document Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI): Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Pre-Service Education.

Increasing the Efficiency of Training in Postabortion Care Programs: The Zambia Experience 
April 2002

Describes the “Training in Reproductive Health” PAC program in Zambia, which incorporated four key elements into its framework: advocacy, access to services, institutionalization of training, and sustainability.

Educating Advanced Practice Nurses and Midwives: From Practice to Training 
Thompson, JE and Krisman-Scott, MA 

Three appendices from this book include suggested guidelines for preparation of preceptors, sample clinical data sheet, and sample clinical teacher report form. 

Sample Clinical Site Data Sheet

Sample Clinical Teacher Report Form

Suggested Guidelines for Preparation of Preceptors

National Postabortion Care Curriculum for Service Providers 
Ministry of Health, Kenya 
July 2002

This National Post-Abortion Care Curriculum was borne out of the need to harmonize and standardize the various curricula used in Kenya to train PAC service providers. This effort came in the wake of the Ministry’s decision to allow the training in, and provision of PAC services by nurses and clinical officers, a practice previously reserved for medical doctors only. This adjustment in policy was necessitated by the global and local trends in maternal mortality.

Training Works! 
November 2003

This handbook is for anyone who has a role in the management, design, delivery, or evaluation of group-based training for healthcare professionals who are currently providing services such as inservice training. It summarizes the tasks that should be completed at each stage of training to ensure an effective training course.

Practical Guide for Selection of MVA Instruments 

In an effort to help buyers assess the various MVA instruments on the market, EngenderHealth and the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) conducted the first-ever comparative evaluation of MVA instruments in 2001, testing the durability, quality, safety, and usability of all instruments available at the time. In addition, for each product evaluated, information was compiled about the product, its distribution, and the manufacturer’s contact information. As no widely known standards existed for evaluating MVA instruments under field conditions, innovative laboratory tests were created for this evaluation.